In Clojure, the reader-literal #inst
reads & writes
java.util.Dates. For instance:
(type #inst "2014-02-06T00:00:00Z") ;=> java.util.Date
(pr-str (java.util.Date.)) ;=> #inst "2014-02-08T15:54:49.949-00:00"
But it's possible to replace that behaviour to read and write Joda time instances. Here's how:
DISCLAIMER This may be a terrible idea. In fact it probably is. Go away, unless you enjoy standing in the middle of a thunderstorm cackling, "It's Alive! It's Alive!"
Still with me? That's the spirit!
First you'll need clj-time
. Add this to your project.clj
's :dependencies
[clj-time "0.6.0"]
Second To get Clojure to read #insts as org.joda.time.DateTime
classes, add this to src/data_readers.clj
{inst clj-time.format/parse}
That just switches out the function that turns strings into date objects. Restart your REPL session to pick that up.
Third You'll need to implement a printing method, so that the classes
are written as #inst
-tagged strings:
(defmethod print-dup org.joda.time.DateTime
[o writer]
(.write writer (format "#inst \"%s\"" o)))
Make sure that code's been imported into any namespace where you want this to work. Now you can say:
{:start #inst "2014-02-06T00:00:00.000-00:00"
:end #inst "2014-02-06T02:00:00.000-00:00"}
And get a map whose values are Joda DateTime
As I say, this is probably a bad idea. It'll unexpectedly break things for people. But it's a fun hack anyway, so I thought I'd record it.